Managing Blog Posts

Accessing Blog Posts #

To manage your blog posts, start by logging in to WordPress and clicking on the Posts option on the left hand menu (or the All Posts option if hovering):

From here you’ll see a list of your existing blog posts laid out in a table:

Editing Blog Posts #

To edit a blog post, start by clicking on the title of the blog post above (Our top tips…) or hover over to see an “Edit” option:

This will then open your blog post ready for editing. Blog posts are generally comprised of Flexible Content Blocks allowing you to build the perfect article. To get started with Flexible Content Blocks, see our other documentation. Flexible Content Blocks

Some blog posts may have a set of additional fields which are specific to the blog post in question. This may for example be a post image that is used for the listing page, they are generally found at the top of the page prior to the Flexible content blocks

Removing Blog Posts #

To remove a blog post, simply hover over the blog post on the listing page and hit “Trash”

This will then move your blog post in to the trash section which you can find by using the filters at the top of the page:

Using the trash option is non-destructive and won’t result in you losing everything if done accidentally. To restore an article, hit the Trash filter as seen above to get to your trashed articles. You can then hover over the title of the article you want to restore and choose “Restore”:

Alternatively you can delete the item permanently. We generally dont recommend doing this unless you’re absolutely certain you don’t need this page. This cannot be undone.

Adding new Blog Posts #

To add a new Blog Posts you can either click Add new at the top of the posts page, or click Add New underneath the Posts menu:

Post Status #

WordPress offers multiple ways to manage posts and pages, and how / when they show on the website. There are two main statuses we use when managing websites.

Draft Posts #

A draft post is an incomplete post. By default when you create a new post in WordPress it starts as a draft.

Above you’ll see the new post has a Status of draft. To publish it, simply click the blue Publish icon.

Published Posts #

A published post is a complete post. Once you have published a post, it is then live and accessible through your website.

You can revert a published post back to a draft by simply clicking the little blue Edit icon alongside Status: Published, choose Draft then hit the OK button:

To confirm your changes, simply click the blue “Update” button and the post will be once again hidden from public view.

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